Pembroke House Surgery, 266-268 Torquay Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2EZ
Telephone: 01803 553558
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Parkhill Surgery, Parkhill Road, Torquay TQ1 2AR | Telephone: 01803 212489
Jayne Newell
Practice Manager
Alison Brewer
Business Manager
Trudie Blackburn
HR & Operations Manager
Donna Hart
Reception Manager
Karen Rundle
Administration Manager
Sally Rankin
Finance & Service Manager
Ollie Haytread
Digital & Communication Lead
Led by Sally Rankin, the admin team consists of Shannon, Maria, Kasia, Ula, Emma, Karen, Claire, and Sarah. Sally also manages the secretarial and prescribing team, which includes Sarah, Sharon, Catherine, Jacqui, Gosia, Velma, Nicola, Natalie, and Tina.
Behind the scenes they are hard at work keeping the surgery running, issuing prescriptions, dealing with medical notes, organising the GP rota, typing letters, filing letters into patient records and arranging referrals.
Our Reception team have a very demanding role. Led by Donna Hart and her deputy Clare. The reception team are made up of the members. Lucy, Julie, Samantha, Karen, Kerstine, Natalie, Laura, Donna, Sue, Clair, Lauren, Amanda, Kelly, Megan, Karen, Alli, Estelle, Tabby & Hannah.
A typical days workload consists of making appointments, maintaining medical notes, arranging visits, liaising with the district nurses, processing and communicating test results, dealing with enquiries from other health professionals, meeting and greeting our patients at the front desk and taking telephone calls.
When requesting an appointment the receptionist may ask you for a few details about your reason for calling. They have been trained to make these enquiries on behalf of the GPs so that we may help you in the most appropriate and efficient way.