Pembroke House Surgery, 266-268 Torquay Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2EZ
Telephone: 01803 553558
Sorry, we're closed
See our other Locations
Parkhill Surgery, Parkhill Road, Torquay TQ1 2AR | Telephone: 01803 212489
Pembroke Medical Group Newsletter December 2024 NHS Medical Director urges people in South West to protect themselves from FLU in time for Christmas Energy Advice Clinic
The Health Visitors for Paignton work out of Kings Ash House and can be contacted directly at
Kings Ash House
Kings Ash Road
Paignton TQ3 3XZ
Tel: 01803 697381
Alternatively follow the below link for further information or to send a message to the relevant team.
How can the School Nurse team help me?
Torbay’s School Nurse team has two main key responsibilities:
1. To assess, promote and protect the health and well-being of children and young people.
2. To offer confidential advice, care and support on an individual or groups basis to children and young people, parents, carers and educational staff on a range of topics.
For more information follow this link
We are a team of 12 Midwives and 1 Maternity care assistant who work shifts to cover 24 hours per day.
We are a fully integrated team which means we provide care where the client wishes – either at home or in hospital. Currently we have a 7% home-birth rate.
We would like you to contact us as soon as you know you are pregnant, either telephone the office or leave a message. There is an answer phone available if we are out. Alternatively you can make an appointment to see the Midwife at your Doctor’s surgery.
We look forward to meeting you.
The midwives are usually in the office each morning between 9am – 9.30am for direct contact or 24 hour answerphone. Please do not leave urgent messages on this number.
In an emergency please tel: 01803 654631.
Details of clinics and further information can be found here
A number of services are carried out from Paignton Health and Wellbeing Centre (The old Paignton Hospital) such as Child Health Clinics, Contraception Services, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Retinal Screening and many more. Please follow this link for further information.