Pembroke House Surgery, 266-268 Torquay Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2EZ
Telephone: 01803 553558
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Parkhill Surgery, Parkhill Road, Torquay TQ1 2AR | Telephone: 01803 212489
How to allow your ears to naturally get rid of wax
We recommend the use of Olive Oil (at room temperature) to be instilled into the ear canal morning and evening until the wax clears.
Ideally lie on your side with the affected ear facing up.
Instill 3 drops of olive oil into the ear canal.
Hold the tip of your ear and gently pull it backwards and upward
Stay lying down for 5 minutes. DO NOT put anything at all in your ear, other than the drops.
Repeat the process for the other ear.
Over the counter preparations can be used. An olive oil spray is very helpful.
The pharmacist can help if further advice is needed.
This process may need to be repeated for around 3 weeks.