Pembroke House Surgery, 266-268 Torquay Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2EZ
Telephone: 01803 553558
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Parkhill Surgery, Parkhill Road, Torquay TQ1 2AR | Telephone: 01803 212489
Meadfoot Road closure 7th-8th April NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Spring Covid Vaccination Clinic Information
Our prescription request telephone line will cease on 31st May 2024. We have taken this decision in line with other GP practices to manage our increased level of prescription requests more safely and efficiently, providing an audit trail of requests that we receive. This prevents drug names being misinterpreted or misheard.
There are a number of ways in which you can request a repeat prescription:
The quickest and most effective way is to use the NHS App. For more information about using the NHS App please follow the below link.
NHS App and your NHS account – NHS (
Paper requests
Please do not bring paper requests to the surgery if you or a family member have access to the internet. Register for the NHS App, your request will go directly to our prescriptions team which speeds up the process.
If you have no other choice please leave your prescription in the post box at the front door, do not bring it to reception.
Nominate a pharmacy
We need all patients to now nominate the pharmacy where you would like to collect your prescription. This means that when the prescription has been authorised by the GP it gets sent directly to the pharmacy of your choice without you needing to come to the surgery to collect it first.
This obviously helps to reduce the amount of people in the surgery but can also be more convenient and timely for you too.
Medication not on your repeat prescription list
If you have been taking an acute item of medication and you need more, this will need to be authorised by a GP. Please request this via a Klinik online consultation during surgery opening hours on the front page of our website.
Order when due
Due to the volume of requests we will only issue prescriptions due in the next 2 weeks, anything requested outside of this timeline will not be processed. We can not issue a longer supply than usual, so please do not ask.
Other ways to order prescriptions:
Our standard turnaround times for prescriptions is 3 working days. Please bear this in mind.
(working days are considered Monday to Friday and do not include Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays).
To avoid any delays, when requesting a prescription it is important to clearly indicate which item(s) you need. If you are not using the right hand side of your repeat prescription slip please ensure that you clearly provide your name address and DOB on a piece of paper or within the email and clearly list which medication you are requesting. If you are submitting an early request please state the reason in order to avoid the possibility of your request not being processed.
Prescriptions for travel phobia
Due to changes in NHS guidance the GP is unable to provide Diazepam for the treatment of anxiety/phobias related to travelling. This may be acquired by consulting with travel clinic, or private clinician.
Further information regarding treatment of Phobias can be found on the NHS website;
We recommend you tackle your problem with a Fear of Flying Course.
Fear of Flying Courses:
Easy Jet
Tel: 0203 8131644
British Airways
Tel: 01252 793 250
Virgin Atlantic
Tel: 0344 874 7747
Sedation for Radiological Imaging
Urgent Prescription Policy
Please find details here regarding making urgent requests for prescriptions.